Pham Hoang Van MD DrPH – Principal Investigator

Dr. Hoang has 15 years of work experience in conducting health research and evaluation of health intervention projects in Vietnam, and other countries in South East Asia, addressing key public health issues including but not limited to reproductive and sexual health, HIV/AIDS, substance use, nutrition, tuberculosis, and water and sanitation. She has served as Principal or Co-Investigator for several research studies funded by the Welcome Trust, USAID, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, and STI-AIDS Netherlands. Her past and current research employs a range of methods: large-scale quantitative surveys, randomized control trials, qualitative studies, process evaluations, policy assessments, and capacity assessments. She has been in charge of different stages of research/evaluation designation, implementation, and management.

In addition to research experience, she has considerable experience in managing and conducting training courses, including training of trainers, in different heath topics i.e., HIV/AIDS, Reproductive and Sexual Health, and Interpersonal communication skills, training on research methodologies, curriculum development and mentorship.



MD – Hanoi Medical University

MPH – Harvard School of Public Health

PhD – Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health


Selected Research Projects


Process Evaluation of the program “Improving Policy and Evidence Based Services for People Who Use Drug in Vietnam” ( 2012-2013). Conducted by ISMS for Family Health International (FHI 360). Sponsor: Atlantic Philanthropy. Role: Team Leader

Clinical research: Tuberculosis Clinical Trials Consortium (TBTC) study in Ha Noi, Vietnam (2012 – 2013). Sponsor: Westat.  Role: Regional Clinical Research Associate, monitoring Hanoi site


Policy environment assessment and process evaluation of Alive & Thrive franchise interventions on Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices and on Childhood Stunting of the rural areas in Vietnam (2010-2013). Sponsor: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Role: Team Leader.

This project assessed the policy environment related to the implementation of the Alive &T­­­ franchise interventions and to conduct a process evaluation of the interventions


Final Evaluation of PATH supported project “Enhance the role of pharmacies as community health providers” in Vietnam (2012). Sponsor: Atlantic Philanthropies. Role: Co-Investigator, in charge of qualitative component of the evaluation.  


Baseline Survey “Scaling Up Community-Led Total Sanitation in Laos” (2012).

Sponsor: World Bank. Role: Principal Investigator 


Gap Analysis “Needle and Syringe Gap Analysis in 9 PEPFAR provinces and Lao Cao province in Vietnam” (2011-2012). Abt Associates. Sponsor: USAID.

Role: Investigator.

Rapid Assessment on Most-At-Risk-Populations in Vietnam (2011). ISMS for FHI360. Sponsor: USAID via FHI 360. Role: Principal Investigator


Case Studies “Development of case studies of HIV service delivery good practice in Viet Nam from a viewpoint of continuum of prevention and care” (2011). Sponsor: World Health Organization. Role: Senior Researcher.


Qualitative research on barriers and facilitators for care and treatment services among people living with HIV in Hai Phong and Can Tho (2011). Sponsor: USAID via FHI. Role: Co- Investigator 

The project aimed to investigate the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of people living with HIV as they relate to accessing care and treatment services in order to identify barriers and facilitators to access

Alive & Thrive baseline survey in 11 project provinces (2011). ISMS, Sponsor: the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Role: Research Co-Team Leader

The survey aimed to assess the infant and young child feeding practices of mothers in 11 Alive & Thrive project provinces in Vietnam

Second round behavioral survey on sexual and injecting drug use behavior and use of HIV services among female sex workers in 7 provinces (2011). ISMS, conducted for Population Services International (PSI) Vietnam. Role: Co-Team Leader

The project was to describe and identify factors related to the sexual and injecting drug use behaviors and use of HIV services among female sex workers in 7 provinces in Vietnam in which PSI interventions are implemented

Post Construction HIV Prevention on the Phnom Penh – HCM City Highway, Southern Corridor, Subproject 8 (2011). Sponsor: Asian Development Bank via World Vision Australia. Role: Team Leader, in charge of development of behavior change communication/information, education and communication materials

The project aimed to mitigate the spread of HIV in communities associated with ADB-financed infrastructure projects in the Greater Mekong Sub-region by raising awareness on human trafficking and encouraging safe migration for migrant labor

Research for improved evidence-based planning: reproductive health care services for women from poor, remote, or minority backgrounds (2010-2011). ISMS in collaboration with Population Council and Thai Nguyen University of Medicine and Pharmacy (TN-UMP), funded by Atlantic Philanthropies. Role: Senior Researcher

The project aimed: 1) To strength the primary healthcare system throughout Thai Nguyen province by improving access, utilization, quality, and equity of services; and 2) To contribute to the long-term capacity building of TN-UMP faculty and students


Participatory action research to improve access to health and social services among children with disabilities (2010-2011). CPAS, funded by the Wellcome Trust. Role: Co-Investigator                                                                

The project aimed to use participatory action research as a means for engaging children with disabilities and their families in developing health initiatives to improve their access to health and social services in Vietnam


Qualitative study on the use of medical abortion in Vietnam: barriers, facilitators, and contexts (2010-2011). CPAS, funded by Asian Development Network. Role: Senior Researcher                                                              

The project was to investigate the factors and contexts related to abortion-seeking behavior among Vietnamese women

Needs assessment of the “Move Forward Project” (2010). ISMS, funded by STI-AIDS Netherlands. Role: Principal Investigator

This was to assess the needs of sex workers in Ho Chi Minh City in order to inform the career development “Move Forward Project”

Strengthening the returned fellow network to support public health professionals doing research in the provinces (2010). ISMS, in collaboration with Population Council Vietnam. Role: Co-Director and mentor for trainees’ small research projects

This project aimed to build the research capacity of Vietnamese fellows who received funds from the Buffett Foundation and Ford Foundation to pursue graduate degrees in the US and Europe and have returned to Vietnam to work in the public health field. The project pursued this goal using a mixed methods approach that entailed training, small research grants, and mentorship components.


Qualitative assessment of infant and young child feeding in the context of HIV in Vietnam (2009-2010). Sponsor: USAIDS/AED (FANTA 2) via ISMS. Role: Senior Researcher

This project was to determine whether HIV-positive women are able to follow Ministry of Health guidelines recommending replacement feeding for HIV-positive women; identify barriers and enabling factors for appropriate feeding practices; identify determinants for adoption of optimal feeding practices; and assess HIV-positive women’s attitudes toward PMTCT measures and services


Quantitative Study: Condom use, VCT use, BTC TRaC study among male injecting drug users in the 7 PEPFAR provinces (2009-2010). ISMS, conducted for PSI Vietnam, Sponsor: USAID/PEPFAR. Role: Co-team leader

It aimed to identify the determinants and prevalence of HIV risk behaviors and HIV testing among male injecting drug users in 7 provinces in which PSI implemented a PEPFAR-funded project

Baseline survey in Vietnam and Cambodia for project titled “Post-Construction HIV Prevention on the Phnom Penh – HCM City Highway, Southern Corridor” (2009-2010). Sponsor: Asian Development Bank via ISMS. Role: Data analyst and report writer

The project aimed to provide evidence for monitoring and implementation of an HIV prevention project to mitigate the spread of HIV in communities associated with ADB-financed infrastructure projects in the Greater Mekong Sub-region

Evaluation of building the reproductive health capacity of the commune health network project in Khanh Hoa Province and Da Nang City in Vietnam (2007-2009). CPAS, funded by Global Development Network. Role: Co-Principal Investigator      

It was to assess the capacity of the commune health network to deliver primary reproductive health services in Khanh Hoa province and Da Nang city

Randomized intervention trial on gender-specific HIV/AIDS prevention for adolescents and young adults in Vietnam (2005-2007). University of Maryland, funded by NIH. Role: Consulting Researcher

The project aimed to assess the effectiveness and impact of a randomized intervention trial on gender-specific HIV/AIDS prevention for adolescents and young adults in Vietnam