Vu Dinh Tuan PhD – Agricultural Sciences, Environment
Dr. Vu Dinh Tuan Agricultural Environmentalist. Over the past 18 years, he has conducted and published a number of agricultural projects that address environment issues in Vietnam. He interests include soil fertility, plant nutrition, soil erosion, climate change and agriculture, biomass energy, low admission agriculture, and safety food production. His research has employed a mixed method approach and a wide range of statistical tools. One of his key research foci is to use systematic experiments in quantifying effect of tested measures, and apply various model to simulate the scenarios. In addition, he has rich experience in participatory action research, extension and particularly environmental education. He has authored over 30 publications of which 5 international peer-reviewed journals, 3 book chapters and serving as a manuscript reviewer for Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment.
In addition to the research activities, he has co-supervised 3 students completing research Masters or BSc degrees. He also taught three courses with topics of environment, climate change for the Duy Tan University. He is frequently requested to provide specialist advice to several Scientific agencies in agriculture and development.
BSc – Hanoi University of Agriculture, Vietnam – 1996
MSc – Hanoi University of Agriculture, Vietnam – 2004
PhD – University of Hohenheim, Germany – 2015
Research Interest:
Soil fertility
Plant nutrition
Soil erosion
Climate change and agriculture
Biomass energy
Low admission agriculture
Safety food production
Selected Research Projects
Climate change and impacts on rice production in Vietnam: Pilot testing of potential adaptation and mitigation measures (2014-2015). Sponsor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs/The Royal Norwegian Embassy. Role: Member. The project focus mainly on the future climate change impacts on rice production in Vietnam
Sustainable paddy in Red river Delta through recycling crop residues toward reduced fertilizer usage and greenhouse gas emission (2015). Sponsor: ADB. Role: Member. The objective of this is to assess the impact of crop residues and biochar on rice growth and its potential income generations for the low income rice based-famers and to determine potential reductions in green house gas emissions.
Efficient use of crop residues to produce energy and carbon storage as a climate smart practice in Vietnam (2015). Sponsor: CCAFS. Role: Member. He is responsible for training local stakeholder on biochar producing and application on maize fields. Lead a team carrying out the experiment with maize under farmer’s practice vs reduced chemical fertilizers amended with biochar.
Fostering rural development and environmental sustainability through integrated soil and water conservation systems in the uplands of Northern Vietnam (2009-2013). Sponsor: EnBW-Germany. Role: In-country representative. The project foster sustained and enhanced livelihoods and environmental quality in the uplands of Northern Vietnam.
Determination of N and P fertilizer efficiency for vegetable and coffee using labeled 15N and 32P (2006). Sponsor: MARD-Vietnam. He is responsible for project coordination, data analysis and report compilation.
Environmental Protection and Pig production (2005). Sponsor: ASIAPROECO. He is responsible for local coordination of a workpakage, and data analysis and report compilation.
Sustainable farming at the rural-urban interface-An integrated knowledge-based approach for nutrient and water recycling in small-scale farming systems in peri-urban areas of China and Vietnam (2002-2006). Sponsor: European Commission. Responsibilities: supporting administration and local coordination, responsible for PRA survey and local ecological knowledge acquisition, soil and water sampling in vegetable production area.
Impact of heavy metals on sustainability of fertilization and waste recycling in peri-urban and intensive agriculture in South-East Asia – LWR1/1998/199’ (2002). Sponsor: ACIAR. He conducted bioassay experiments to determine toxic responses of maize to Cu and Zn concentrations in soil and assisted with soil and plant sampling for determination of baseline metal concentrations in soils and plant in North Vietnam within framework of the project in collaboration with CSIRO.
Systems Research for Integrated Resource Management and Land Use Analysis in East and Southeast Asia (2002). Sponsor: EU – INCO. He involved in exercises – programming in Visual XPRESS
- Vũ Đình Tuấn, Phạm Quang Hà (2017). N-fertilizer use efficiencies of intensive paddy rice, green mustard and maize based systems in Vietnam. Journal of Vietnam Agricultural Sciences and Rural Development (In Vietnamese), 2/2017, pp. 39-44
- Mai Văn Trịnh , Bùi Thị Phương Loan, Vũ Dương Quỳnh, Vũ Đình Tuấn, Lục Thị Thanh Thêm, Nguyễn Lê Trang (2016), Innitial study on influence of different organic materials on Green House Gas emission on summer rice fields on fluvisols and salic fluvisols, Nam Dinh province. Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural development, special isues on agricultural environment (In Vietnamese), 10/2016 pp. 71-78
- Lê Văn Khiêm, Bùi Thị Phương Loan, Vũ Dương Quỳnh, Trần Vũ Nam, Vũ Đình Tuấn (2015). Management techniques affecting maize yields grown on sandy soils under drought conditions in Hai Hau, Nam Dinh. Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural development (In Vietnamese) , 24/2015, pp. 30-35
- Tuan VD, Hilger T, Cadisch G (2015). Identifying resource competition in maize based soil conservation systems using 13C and 15N isotopic discrimination. Arch Agron Soil Sci:1-20. doi:10.1080/03650340.2015.1074185
- Tuan VD, Hilger T, Vien T, Cadisch G (2015) Nitrogen recovery and downslope translocation in maize hillside cropping as affected by soil conservation. Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst:1-20. doi:10.1007/s10705-014-9657-2
- Tuan V D, Hilger T, MacDonald L, Clemens G, Shiraishi E, Vien T D, Stahr K and Cadisch G (2014) Mitigation potential of soil conservation in maize cropping on steep slopes. Field Crops Research 156, 91-102.
- Agnès Montangero, Le Ngoc Cau, Nguyen Viet Anh, Vu Dinh Tuan, Pham Thuy Nga, Hasan Belevi, Optimising water and phosphorus management in the urban environmental sanitation system of Hanoi, Vietnam, 2007. Science of the Total Environment. 384 (2007), pp. 55–66
Book chapter
- Hilger, T., Keil, A., Lippe, M., Panomtaranichagul, M., Saint-Macary, C., Zeller, M., Pansak, W., Dinh, T.V., Cadisch, G., 2013. Soil Conservation on Sloping Land: Technical Options and Adoption Constraints. Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Southeast Asia: Innovations and Policies for Mountainous Areas. Springer, pp. 229-279.
- Stahr, K., Clemens, G., Schuler, U., Erbe, P., Haering, V., Cong, N.D., Bock, M., Tuan, V.D., Hagel, H., Le Vinh, B., 2013. Beyond the Horizons: Challenges and Prospects for Soil Science and Soil Care in Southeast Asia. Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Southeast Asia: Innovations and Policies for Mountainous Areas. Springer, pp. 31-107.
- Vu Dinh Tuan, V. Porphyre, JL., Farinet, Tran Duc Toan, 2006. “Composition of Animal Manure and Co-products”. In Pig Production Development, Animal Waste Management and Environmental Protection: a Case Study in Thai Binh Province, Northern Vietnam, V.Porphyre, Nguyen Que Coi (editors), CIRAD Editions, pp. 127-143. (in both Vietnamese and English)